A message from Urban Earth creator Dan Raven Ellison...

We've three events for you to join if you're going to be in the UK - if not, we'd love it if you would set up an event of your own. See below.

27th August - URBAN STORY: LONDON RED This walk will track through some of the most deprived parts of Greater London.

10th October - URBAN EARTH: WEST YORKSHIRE URBAN AREA The West Yorkshire conurbation includes Leeds, Bradford, Huddersfield and Wakefield. This is going to be a 25km, 8 hour walk.

29th January - URBAN EARTH EVENT: CANTERBURY (UK) Invade, capture and expose Canterbury (UK) by joining over 60 people in this intimate weekend. Get 10% off the weekend with the code: tenpercentoff

Create an event..

Creating an event is easy - you can post one on our Ning at http://urbanearth.ning.com and invite people to take part. There are currently three different types of URBAN EARTH event so all you have to do is pick one and get going...

1. URBAN EARTH This is a walk from one side of an urban area to the other. The length of the walk should represent the size of the city's urban footprint - the route should represent the proportions of the city that are occupied by people living in different levels of deprivation. Sound tricky? Get in touch for some help or organise an URBAN STORY...

2. URBAN STORY This walk could be across an entire city, but the next one in London is from the outskirts of the urban footprint finishing in the city's centre - the focus of this type of walk is to stay within a particular socio-economic or environmental profile - for London we've looked at a map to see where is most deprived and we're staying in those areas. Next time we'll focus on ethnic groups...

3. URBAN EARTH EVENT - Choose a city and then invade, capture and expose it within an 'event' (and party with plenty of dancing and urban missions).

For any of the events all you need to do is plan it and then whack it up onto our Ning at http://urbanearth.ning.com Need help? Get in touch.

Visit URBAN EARTH at: http://urbanearth.ning.com


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