Good morning, fellow citizens of the Manche...

Food and Energy costs are still preoccupying the newspapers.

Here's the Daily Express for example...

Image copyright: Express newspapers

Perhaps we should move to Brazil: I like the way that things are constantly changing...

One other change was featured in the Telegraph today: an EU proposal.

Apparently, Norfolk is now in a new region called the MANCHE.
The new European plan splits England into three zones that are joined with areas in other countries.
The "Manche" region covers part of southern England and northern France while the Atlantic region includes western parts of England, Portugal, Spain and Wales.
The North Sea region includes eastern England, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and parts of Germany.
A copy of the map, which makes no reference to England or Britain, has even renamed the English Channel the "Channel Sea". Each zone will have a "transnational regional assembly", although they will not have extensive powers. However, the zones are regarded as symbolically important by other countries.


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