Tesco have been trying to get a store approved in Sheringham, just around the Norfolk coast from where I live, for years. This week, the council voted to keep them out once again by 17 votes to nil.
The TESCNO blog has been tracking the progress for some time, and has lots of useful resources.
The Independent today picked up on the story.
It has also been reported on the CPRE website.
Today, as always, thousands of people will have spent millions of pounds at Tesco stores around the country.
There are plenty of anti-Tesco websites and campaigns.

A quick search reveals some intriguing geographical and economic details.
I came across a nice post on a blog by E Ryan from Warwick University (judging by the e-mail)
How much of this do you agree with ?

It is Tesco’s job to sell things.
They have done this well over the last few years they have therefore made profits and expanded.
That is what businesses are supposed to do.
I can remember when Tesco was smaller than the Co-op and less profitable than Sainsbury's if these businesses had been run better Tesco would not have had such an easy ride.

It is also Tesco’s job to compete with other Supermarkets.
Tesco should open as many stores as it feels it can make a profit with. If Tesco opening a store means for instance that a Sainsbury store loses business that is competition, the better store will prosper the other will close. It should not br the job of planner to decide if there are enough supermarkets or where they should be.
There is not much ( though admitttedly some) evidence that Tesco uses anti-competitive practices or abuses its market position. If it does they are legal remedies.
It is not Tesco’s job to ensure British farmers make a profit. That is the job of British farmers, if they cannot make a profit they should do something else. Similarly any other supplier should ensure they can make a profit on the price they get from Tesco.

Tesco should be trying to get the lowest possible price from its suppliers. The suppliers should be trying the get the highest price. If they cannot get the price they need stop supplying Tesco.

It is not Tesco’s job to keep local shops. That is the job of the local people, if they choose to use local shops they will make money and continue. Most people use a variety of shops, I buy my meat from my local butcher as it is cheaper and better quality than Tesco, I also shop at Aldi for its incredible prices and continental foods.

It is not Tesco’s job to ensure we eat a healthy diet. Tesco sell a wide range of food if we choose a breakfast of doughnuts washed down with Whisky that is our choice, they also sell muesli and skimmed milk.

I have no vested interest in defending Tesco indeed I boycotted them for several months following a piece of bad service. However it is unfair they get criticised for doing what they should be doing i.e. selling what the public wants to buy, and being good at it.

Did you go to Tesco today?

You should buy nothing today...

How easy is this to do ?
Check this BBC NEWS article.


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