I was invited by Liz Taylor to speak to the ITT Mentors in a session to prepare for next year's cohort in the very nice new building that they have there. You can see a picture of the building here.
I was delivering a session that had been prepared by Rob Chambers, and I then (skilfully) blended in a few other bits and pieces and also made use of John Barlow's excellent guide to setting up a weblog.
If you were present and have found your way here , welcome !
Hope you enjoyed the introduction to terms such as "my favourite price" and "reclaiming your Sundays"
As I said, all the handouts and features can be found on Rob's website which is named below: IGEOG.
It was only after I'd finished that I found out that Rob normally has 2 hours to get through the material - no wonder I thought I rushed things a bit !
Thanks to Val Vannet for the slide above, and for the suggestions that you came up with for how you might use a blog.
And if you start a blog - let me know !