Some more mapping-type things that I liked...

G-ECON PROJECT (another one from Infonaut blog)

I've been familiar with the outputs from the project, which is based at Yale for some time, and have used their excellent images which plot economic activity in various countries.
They have now added some other images, which can be viewed on the project's FLICKR SET.

Here are a few examples that I liked...
World elevation data mapped

World rainfall mapped...

FLOWING DATA has a very useful map of the spread of WAL MART. Visit and watch it slowly animate with the location of Wal Mart stores...


LindyM said…
Have you seen this one of the UK
Looks as if The Old Lady has a rather large boil on her bum!
Alan Parkinson said…
There's a whole set of countries in there...
London's is very much based around London and the SE...

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