Earth: the Biography
A nice site from the National Geographic stable. A re-branded Iain Stewart programme.
Try out this nice INTERACTIVE: can you keep the earth in balance ? Click the image to check your "Earth IQ" - after each correct answer, you'll be shown a short segment of the programme. Would make a good STARTER or "REWARD" activity.
Also a GOOGLE MAPS based HEALTH MAP of the world - for those who study HEALTH ISSUES.
A nice site from the National Geographic stable. A re-branded Iain Stewart programme.
Try out this nice INTERACTIVE: can you keep the earth in balance ? Click the image to check your "Earth IQ" - after each correct answer, you'll be shown a short segment of the programme. Would make a good STARTER or "REWARD" activity.
Also a GOOGLE MAPS based HEALTH MAP of the world - for those who study HEALTH ISSUES.