Just updated my SmartBoard software to version 10

Has some excellent extra features.
Also got a free trial of something called MarketPlace. I have 60 days and 60Mb of downloads free of charge apparently, and there are apparently 1 million resources here.
If you're quick, there will still be some free trials left.

Will let you know what that involves later.Also came across this site, with a FORUM for SMARTBOARD users.

It had a post by Quentin d'Souza, who works in Canada. We exchanged some e-mails following my SAGT Google Earth session a while back. This provided a little file which allows you to view the internet inside smart notebook. Nice work.

Came across Danny Nicholson's WHITEBOARD BLOG, which has some details on the updates and, the more I've read, a host of great ideas for Whiteboards, plus details of how you can get a free ANIMOTO download as part of their educator program.

Led me in turn to Jim Hollis' TEACHERS LOVE SMARTBOARDS blog over in the USA which has some useful posts.


Danny Nicholson said…
thanks for the link! I hope you find the whiteboard blog useful.
Alan Parkinson said…
It's very useful thanks !
Always good to see teachers sharing pedagogy and resources
Keep up the posting !

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