
Showing posts from November, 2011

New GeoPacks resource and CD

For over a year now I've been getting regular e-mails from Rick Cope and Mark Hacklett at GeoPacks  - creators of the excellent COASTAL MANAGER  software - to tell me about the latest free resource that they've shared. If you want to catch up with the freebies that they've made available, there's now an excellent Resource CD which will get you right up to speed. It's available for £12 from GeoPacks. Follow the link to find out more. Make sure you SIGN UP to receive a regular free resource update too. Follow the link to FREE STUFF from the home page.

VITAL Teachshare: Google Earth Placemarks

My next VITAL Teachshare will be on Wednesday the 16th of November (that's tomorrow if you're reading this today) at 7pm. It's on ways of customising Google Earth Placemarks... Click THIS LINK just before 7 to join me . You'll need to allow the download of the plug-in to handle the Elluminate session, which will then allow you to see and hear me, and to take part. Don't forget to check the KEYHOLE BULLETIN BOARD to get the full range of layers and files shared by  Google Earth users. Use the SEARCH function to unearth the goodness.... This will be my little contribution to WORLD GIS DAY , which is taking place tomorrow, as part of GEOGRAPHY AWARENESS WEEK. What are you doing for World GIS Day ?  Why not add a touch of GIS to your teaching tomorrow...