
Showing posts from November, 2009
Image by Alan Parkinson - as seen in "Look at it this Way"... Details of the Geographical Association's first Post 16 National Conference are now on the GA website . This will take place in London on the 22nd of June 2010 This conference will discuss ways to enhance A-level teaching and learning through two major themes: rivers, floods and management and the impact of urban change. The workshops will include ideas for fieldwork and the use of ICT, and how to prepare students for the fieldwork examination questions. Online booking already available... There are large discounts for student GA members.
OXFAM have launched a new website called "THE CLIMATE CHALLENGE" ahead of the Copenhagen climate conference. It has a range of games and quizzes featuring celebrities (some of whom you may have heard of) and, usefully, a series of downloads which include the following things below to clutter up your blog post... Your browser does not support iframes. The game is also available in a range of languages including CHINESE .... Why might that be ?
The GA Conference programme for 2010 has now been finalised by Lucy Oxley, and is available to download in various formats from the GA CONFERENCE area of the website. This year, there are a series of colour coded CPD PATHWAYS , which can be seen above, to reflect the particular personal CPD needs that teachers might have, and also certain school priorities. I will be attending a whole range of events over the course of the 3 days, and will blog more about the sessions I am involved in nearer the time. BOOKING IS NOW AVAILABLE Booking can be done in various ways... The conference price is held at 2009 prices ! There is also an EARLY BIRD BOOKING price - the early bird booking period ends on the 31st of December 2009 Free registration is available to all full-time and PGCE students. Please attach proof of your student status, e.g. photocopy of your NUS card, with your completed booking form. Online booking for students is available but proof of status will be required by email, fax or ...
Created by Recipe Star What would you taste like to a cannibal ? A question I've often asked myself - perhaps should add that to the food units I'm writing...